Save the date: Speedo Helsinki Swim Meet 5.–6.4.2022

Speedo Helsinki Swim Meet will gather once again the top swimmers to compete at Mäkelänrinne Swimming Center in Helsinki, Finland.
The competition offers almost full Olympic program in just two days.
Speedo Helsinki Swim Meet is a great event to get ready for the World Championship in Fukuoka with tough competitors. The total prize money in the event is 21 000 euros.
Last year we witnessed great performances in Helsinki Swim Meet, when Matti Mattsson broke his eight years old national record in 200-meter breaststroke, and Ari-Pekka Liukkonen broke A qualifying time for Tokyo in 50-meter freestyle.
In addition to the Finnish top swimmers there were several foreign swimming stars competing in Helsinki in 2021, including Marco Koch of Germany, Michelle Coleman of Sweden, Caroline Pilhatsch of Austria, and Katinka Hosszú of Hungary.
The event is a great opportunity for swimming fans and spectators to see Finnish and European top swimmers in action. Spectator tickets will go on sale in March.
Any possible changes or special arrangements to Speedo Helsinki Swim Meet due to COVID-19 will be updated to the event's website.
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Facebook: Helsinki Swim Meet
Twitter: @uimaliitto
Pictures from the 2021 event: Flickr / Aquatics Finland
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